Reduces the risk of getting diseases
We pride ourselves on using no chemicals and pesticides in our practices. Instead we use natural alternatives which reduces the cause of diseases and thus saving money on health care.

Organic vegetables have a higher production rate than conventional vegetables
The use of smart agriculture allows us to produce more vegetables on a much lower budget than conventional prices

Preserves the Environment
It is important for us to heal the environment through using smart agriculture as well as spreading awareness on how to use smart agriculture.

Rawya Mansour received membership of the pledge club to save the environment in Monaco... Read more
Ramsco chief pursues dream of climate-smart agriculture in Egypt ... Read more
محيي الدين: السيدات تقود عدة مشروعات للصمود في مواجهة التغيرات المناخية والأمن الغذائي... Read more

Cop27: Ramsco Egypt achieved gender equality and women are being paid equally to men ... Read more

تشارك راوية منصور فى ندوة على هامش مؤتمر المناخ لمناقشة قضايا الامن الغذائى والمساواة بين الجنسين... Read more

“راوية منصور” تسلط الضوء على أهمية قضايا الأمن الغذائي والمساوة بين الجنسين لتحقيق التنمية المستدامة خلال مؤتمر المناخ... Read more

يناقش كل من وزير الزراعة الامريكى السابق "دان جليكمان" وراوية منصور قضايا الأمن الغذائى و قضية الاجور غير المتكافئة بين الجنسين على هامش مؤتمر المناخ... Read more
السيدة راوية لطفي منصور مديرة شركة رامسكو للقرى البيئية فى مجلس القومى للمراة: المرأة أكثر الفئات التى تعانى من تأثيرات التغيرات المناخية. #قمة_المناخ_مصر_2022

Announcement during Cop27 from Ramsco to the National Council for Women in Egypt Download
Rawya Mansour Conducted meetings during COP27 with HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco... Read more
RNEWSNarrative PR Summit Highlights Food Security as a Pillar of Sustainable Development... Read more
Ramsco Story in Regenerative Agriculture innovative Technologies... Read more

مشاركات راوية منصور فى مؤتمر المناخ ... Read more

راوية منصور تساهم فى استقبال حرم رئيس الوزراء اللبنانى مى ميقاتي فى المتحف القومى للحضارة المصرية بالفسطاط... Read more

Rawya Mansoiur participated in Islamic Organization for food security Program in Cairo Water Week Event... Read more
Raywa Masnour met the Indian business community with Indian Foreign Affairs Minster Dr Subrahmanyam Jaishankar.... Read more
Our Distributors
Ramsco has been in the market for the past 15 years, valuing and delivering quality products for our clients.

Our story
Rawya Mansour the Chairperson created RAMSCO for Trade and Distribution in 2007, in order to achieve food security, fight poverty and malnutrition with mitigation effects of climate change.

Rawya Mansour - OUR CEO
A woman of many talents, Rawya Mansour began her career as an interior designer. After over two decades in the field she decided to set her sights elsewhere.
In 2007, just before the Egyptian food riots Mansour foresaw the need for a drastic change and took the matter in her hands by founding RAMSCO for Trade and Distribution. Mansour’s work proved to be an incredible tool for climate change adaptation, as she developed and patented machines that recycles agri-waste that pollutes cities like Cairo.
Mansour works towards poverty alleviation and emancipation of rural women. Currently employing young women in organic farming and training on quality packaging to ensure gender equality, women autonomy & financial independence.
In 2019 Mrs. Mansour has received an award by the Ministry of Culture in Cairo, Egypt in honor for her continuous effort since 2007 towards agriculture sustainability, fighting poverty, and her attribution to women empowerment especially for women farmers. She has received the award among seven other women who excelled in their field of work.
Rawya Mansour the Chairperson created RAMSCO for Trade and Distribution in 2007, in order to achieve food security, fight poverty and malnutrition with mitigation effects of climate change.
we recycle 100% of the waste
All the waste produced on the farm is recycled back into our compost.
we save up to 65% water
The use of drip irrigation helps with using 30% less water, along with biochar which helps disperse the water slowly and evenly.
we increase yield by 30%
The application of biochar increases productivity through increasing soil nutrients and microbial activity, as well as decreasing nutrient leaching.
we empower women to empower agriculture
Empowering rural women through decent work and productive employment, providing contributes to inclusive, sustainable economic growth.
we are trying to pave the way for smart agriculture in Egypt
By slowly teaching rural farmers to adopt our technology on their own farms, were hoping that our way of agriculture becomes more and more prevelant.
we withdraw 20% carbon
our biochar machine reduces CO2 in the atmosphere as the process takes a theoretically carbon-neutral process of naturally decaying organic matter and turns it carbon-negative.
Our shop provides seasonal products that can be delivered straight to you door.
To reach out to us for any inquiries about our technology, our farm and our products, leave your details below or give us a call!
Ramsco Sustainable Development & Environmental Solutions 57 Nile Corniche, Maadi, Cairo Arab Republic of Egypt
+02 25248410